Sunday, July 4, 2010

Wyoming/South Dakota

Since we posted last, have been in Cheyenne and Casper, Wyoming, and are now in Rapid City, South Dakota. Eleven states in a month!!! Didn't get the pix in quite the right order, but in Cheyenne we witnessed a shootout, and took a trolley tour of the city that started in front of the boot shown in the middle picture. Also did the Wyoming State Museum and learned a lot more about the Lewis & Clark expedition and the western migration. More of the same in Casper, where there's an interpretive center showing the crossings of the Platte River that the wagon trains did in the area. Amazing endurance and hardships all the pioneer families went through. The picture of Peg is in the back country near Casper. Arrived in South Dakota yesterday and started out in bright sunshine this morning to see Mount Rushmore. As you can see by the picture, by the time we got there it was raining fairly heavily. Did all the indoor exhibits, but the rain continued. We're spending a few days here, so we'll get back there in better weather. More later

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