Thursday, September 30, 2010

Moab 4

On our last day in the Moab area, we decide to explore the southern section of Canyonlands Park, called the Needles. This is a mesa area, lower than the Island in the Sky and about an hour's drive south.

Formations rise out of the desert land, some rising to 1000 feet.

This is the "Wooden Shoe Arch" appropriately.

The scuptures Peg's standing by could have been man made - but not, by nature.

We walked several trails across the red rock "slick rock" area. They were all marked by small cairns like this, to keep us on the trail.
At the end of the trail, we're rewarded with views like this.

We've done some back trails, but this looked like more than I wanted to handle.

These early native pictographs were inside the park area.
Peg's doing the warrior, I'm holding up the mountain.

These pictographs were outside the park at an area called "Newpaper Rock". The early tribes apparently stopped here to leave messages for those who followed. Fascinating to see.

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